Thursday 11 July 2013

A Knitted Village

Driving through North Nottinghamshire the other week visiting the in-laws, we drove past this amazing display in Bestwood Village... so of course had to stop and explore!!

My lovely mother-in-law

A knitted washing line (with an inappropriate thong!)

I LOVE this!

A decorated bus stop

They even decorated the road works?!

'bunting' made from knitted Innocent Smoothie hats?!

We came across the person responsible who had organised it for a community village fair. The inspiration apparently came from a village in Germany. They had put it all up the night before around midnight, which explains why we hadn't seen it when driving through the night before!

Have you seen this anywhere before? So pretty, and very inspiring...

Fran xx

1 comment:

  1. It looks really nice, they've dome something similar in Sherwood recently =)

